
Type to Learn Home: How to Login

Type to Learn Home is hosted in the cloud, allowing your child to practice from anywhere they have access to an internet connection and an updated browser.

You should first check Type to Learn's minimum system requirements before trying to log in. Please note that Microsoft's Internet Explorer is not on the recommended list of browsers.

To launch the Type to Learn App, follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Enter your account information, which can be found in your Welcome Email:

  • Account Code: ________
  • Username: _________________
  • Password:  _________________

3. Click “Log in” button.

4. On the next page, click "Launch Type to Learn".


Note: We suggest you bookmark the Type to Learn website for quick and easy access. You are able to auto-populate your Account Code by bookmarking a special URL. Click here to learn how.

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