Click here to watch the Creating and Editing Groups training video.
Building Groups
You can access the "Building Groups" icon from within a selected building on the navigation bar. You must be in a building for the "Building Groups" icon to be displayed on the navigation bar.
- Create a Group (Class)
- Import a list of Groups (Multiple Class Names)
- Edit Group Settings (Renaming a Group)
- Deleting a Group
- Adding & Removing Users (Students) to/from a group
Users (Students & Teachers) in Groups:
- Users can be added to an existing group through "add/remove users" feature.
- Users can be assigned a role, grade, group, and building through the import process. Please note: buildings need to be created before importing and the importing process will automatically create groups (classes).
- Teachers can be in more than one group; for teacher management of settings and reporting.
- Each group should have a teacher assigned or the organizational admin will be the only user to have access to the group’s settings and reports.
Accessing Building Group icon
- Navigation Bar from within a building: Teachers and Admin can access building groups icon.