
edredi: Handing Out Assignments

With Hand Out, teachers can easily send documents and assignments directly to individuals, groups or entire classes.

When the teacher sends an assignment through Hand Out, the student will receive a message in the lower right hand corner of the edredi tablet (next to the clock). By tapping on the notification, the document will automatically open on the students' tablet.

Teachers can also add the "Hand Out" Resource to the Student Tools Category. This Resource can be found in the Content Store:

  1. Click the "Store" tab in the blue menu bar at the top of the page.
  2. In "Keyword" type "handouts" into the field box.
  3. Click ENTER and the Handouts Folder Resource should appear.
  4. Click on the Handouts Folder Resource and then click on the Gold Star to select it into your Organization.

The Handouts Folder can now to be added to a Lesson by searching for "handouts".

When added to a Lesson, all "handed out" documents will automatically be saved to the Handouts folder.

To use Hand Out, follow the directions below:

1. From the home page in the edredi portal, select View.

2. Within View, select the desired tablet(s) to send the Hand Out to.

3. After the desired tablet(s) have been selected, click "Select File to Send" from the Actions Panel on the right side of the page.

4. When the pop-up appears, select a file for sending and click "Open".

5. Once the file has finished uploading to the edredi cloud, the file will immediately be distributed to the selected devices, and its file name will become visible in the panel on the right, under "Hand Out".

The Hand Out can be accessed by either tapping on the Hand Out Notification in the bottom right or by tapping on the HandOuts Resource.

Reviewing Hand Outs

To review recent or past Hand Outs there are two ways to view them under the Manage Tab:

The first option is by clicking on edredi cloud in the menu on the left. In edredi cloud, the Hand Outs are first organized by who sent the Hand Outs and then by date, showing the most recently sent at the top.

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