
edredi: Places

This article will cover:

  • How to set-up Places in the edredi Portal
  • How to create Place settings
  • How students can check-in to Places
  • How teachers can disable manual selection of Places on the edredi tablet. 

Setting Up Places

To set up Places, the user must be assigned the user role of Admin or Owner.

The Places option allows teachers to create different locations (i.e. classroom, library) where students can "check-in" by selecting a "Place" on the device. If there are multiple teachers working within a single Organization, creating Places can help with:

  • Organizing assignments by Place when students hand in their assignments after checking in.
  • Creating a Group for each class or teacher that shares an Organization, making it easier to select the exact Group of devices that the teacher needs to monitor on the Dashboard.
  • Sending a default Lesson to the device after it checks in, which comes in handy if this Lesson is often used in class and updated daily.
  • Attendance when each device checks in, ensuring that the right number of devices are in the appropriate class. 

To create Places for students to check-in at, start in the edredi Portal by:

1. clicking on the 3-barred icon,

2. clicking on Admin Tools, and

3. selecting "Places".

4. Select "Add New Place" from the Action box on the right side of the page.


3. Enter the desired name for the new location in the box and select "Add Place":


4. You should now see a new Place added to the list.


Place Settings

Teachers can change the settings of a Place by clicking on the name.  Teachers can select a Default Lesson for the Place.  A QrKey will be generated that will allow students to scan into the Default Lesson and Check-in to the Place simultaneously.


These QrKeys can also be found in the QrKeys section of the edredi Portal under "Places".

Checking-In To Places

To allow students to check-in, the locations must first be created in the edredi Portal.  Students will check-in to designated locations using the tablet. For instructions on how to have students check-in, please see below:

1. From the tablet menu, select "Places"


2. A list of created Places will pop up on the tablet. Select the desired location.


3. The selected Place will show up on the tablet in the upper left hand corner. 


When students have checked-in to a Place on the tablet, the teacher will see the number of checked-in students on the Places page in the edredi Portal. 


Disabling Manual Place Selection

Teachers can also disable manual selection of a Place on the tablet.  By disabling this function, students would not be able to select a Place from the tablet, requiring the students to scan a QrKey to check-in to a new Place. This setting can be found and changed from the Organization information page:


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