
edredi: View - Advanced Controls

Below is a description of of the Advanced Controls listed on the Dashboard:

Change edredi version – This command is a remote command that upgrades or downgrades the edredi version of your device. Only those assigned the User Role of Admin or Owner may do version changes. Please consult your local Tech Team before using.

Request Logs – This command requests the logs from the selected devices on View. This command is a Remote command that requires GCM messaging.

Request Reboot – This command is a remote command that reboots selected devices from View without warning. This command is a Remote command that requires GCM messaging.

Request Shutdown – This command is a remote command that powers off selected devices from View without warning. This command is a Remote command that requires GCM messaging.

Change ScreenTimeout – This command allows you to adjust how much time should pass before the device goes to sleep. 

Change Install Threshold – This command changes the threshold for installs and should only be used under specific instructions from your Technical Support Team.

Show Name List – This command will open a page that lists all the names of all of the Devices enrolled in the current Organization as well as the Sub-Organizations and Parent Organizations associated with the current Organization.

Show All Properties – This command will open a page that lists all the properties for all Devices under the current Organization as well as the Sub-Organizations and Parent Organizations associated with the current Organization.

Remote Wipe – This command is a remote command sent from View without warning, and wipes away data that are stored in specifically-named Folders on the device's internal storage. The names of these folders are: Download, Music, DCIM, Screenshots, Pictures, and Movies.

A notification that the command is in process does appear in the Notifications bar of the device itself. Only those assigned the User Role of Admin or Owner are able to send Remote Wipe commands. Please consult your local Tech Team before using.

Factory Reset – This command is a remote command sent from the Dashboard without warning and executes a factory reset in the same manner as doing the factory reset from the Android settings. Only those assigned the User Role of Admin or Owner are able to send Factory Reset commands. Please consult your local Tech Team before using.

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