There are a couple of methods on how to do this:
- You can create folders on the tablet using ES File Explorer
- Depending on the application you are using, you can create new folders through the application itself. Kingsoft Office would a good example of an application capable of creating new folders.
Creating Folders with ES File Explorer
NOTE: This method is only recommended if your students are older and are able to understand how to navigate through folders in a directory.
- Add ES File Explorer to your organization. Please see this article on how to select Learning Objects from the content store.
- Open ES File Explorer and tap on "Local" from the menu on your left.
- When the Local Menu rolls down, please tap on "sdcard" or "sdcard0".
- Click on the plus sign (+) at the bottom labeled "New" and tap on "Folder" and name it appropriately.
This will create a folder directly on the sdcard or internal storage and can easily be found either through ES File Explorer, other applications, like Kingsoft Office or through a Folder Resource.
Creating a New Folder with Kingsoft Office
NOTE: This method is mainly recommended if your students are comfortable with navigating through folders in a directory.
- Open KingSoft Office and tap on the WPS icon in the top left corner to roll down your Options menu.
- Tap on an existing document on the screen. Any word document will do.
- Now click "Save As", and navigate to the directory you want to create a folder in. For this example, we will choose the sdcard.
- The path above will say something like "/mnt/sdcard/KingsoftOffice/file/" or "/storage/sdcard0/KingsoftOffice/file/". This just means that you're in the Kingsoft Office folder that is on the "mounted" or internal sdcard.
- Tap on the folder icon with the Up arrow until the path says "/mnt/sdcard/" or "/storage/sdcard0/". This means that you're now in the internal sdcard of your tablet.
- Now tap on the folder icon with the Plus sign (+). This will create a new folder in the sdcard.
- Name your new folder and you're done.
Now that the folder has been created, you can now find it easily in Kingsoft for saving, ES File Explorer or through a Folder Resource.