
edredi: User Roles Defined

When you create a new organization, you will become the first user associated with that organization and are assigned OWNER permissions. You are then able to invite other registered users to join your organization.

By default any users you invite to your organization will be granted ADMIN rights. You can change the type of user within the edredi portal at any time. To add a user, follow the steps outlined in the article "Inviting Users to your Organization."

 Before you decide on user levels, review the definitions and permissions below.                                 


VIEWER – You can view the basic information within the portal. Viewers can also invite users into the Organization in the role of Viewer.

  •  VIEW: Devices, Images, Categories, Lessons, Network Shares, Organizations

EDITOR – You can do everything a VIEWER can, but also has the ability to create and customize the Lessons that the end user will see. Editors can invite users into the Organization in the roles of Editor or Viewer. (Note: Teachers are typically assigned as Editors.) 

  • VIEW: Resources, Transactions
  • CREATE: Resources, Categories, Images, Lessons
  • DELETE: Resources, Categories, Images, Lessons
  • SELECT: Resources, Categories, Images, Lessons
  • EDIT: Resources, Categories, Images, Lessons, Devices

ADMIN – You can do everything a VIEWER and an EDITOR can, but also has access to some more advanced features. Admins can invite users to the Organization and assign them to the role of Admin, Editor or Viewer.

  • VIEW: Device Passwords, Network Share passwords, Permissions, Roles
  • EDIT: Device Passwords, Network Shares, Organizations, Users
  • CREATE: Device Passwords, Network Shares
  • DELETE: Device Passwords, Network Shares
  • UN-Enroll Devices 

OWNER – You have full level of access including administering Organizations. Owerns can invite users to the Organization in the role of Owners, Admins, Editors or Viewers. (Note: Since Owners have full administration privileges, it is recommended that you limit the number of Owners.)

  • CREATE, DELETE and REASSIGN Organizations


To learn about all user permissions, view the attached Edredi User Permissions table.

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