With the initial edredi purchase order, an Organization is created for each school. In order to access the school's organization on the edredi portal, one must receive a Registration Invite via email.
If a Registration Invite for the school's organization has not been received by email, contact the school's sales representative for assistance, or contact us at sales@edresources.com with the following information:
- The name of School
- Name
- Email Address
- Additional Emails for any staff members who will also be using the edredi portal at the school
- If applicable, please include the name of the company the tablets were purchased from
The web address for the edredi portal is be.edredi.com or, more specifically, http://be.edredi.com.
When the Registration Invite is received, click on the link to create a login account.
Any other questions or concerns? Please email us at support@edresources.com.