
edredi: Customizing the Teacher Tools

The Teacher Tools is a Category that is only available in the Options Menu when edredi is unlocked. It contains Resources that you only want to make available to the teacher, such as an unlocked browser or an email app.

tip2.png The Teacher Option is a great way to provide instructional tools to the teachers along with the student lessons.

A customized teacher-based Category can be selected as a default for the Teacher Tools on the edredi tablets. 


Unlock the edredi tablet, tap the Options Menu (3-dot icon) to view the tray and select Teacher. This is located at the top right.



The easiest way to customize the Teacher Tools or Teacher Option is to create a Category with all the Resources that the Teacher needs, and then select this Category as the Default Teacher Category at the Organization Level. 

  1. In the top righthand corner of the edredi portal, click on your Organization name.   

  2. Once in the Organization's Info Screen, you will see the option for selecting a Teacher Category as the default:   
  3. Click Teacher Category to select a default. 


After selecting a default Category, click outside of the selection list, and it will automatically be saved. 

Once this is done, all new Lessons will have the selected Category appear every time the Teacher Option is tapped on the edredi tablet.

Changes made to the selected Category will update in the same manner as when changes are made to a Lesson.

NOTE: Devices must be enrolled to the same Organization or its Sub-Organizations where the Teacher Category was customized in order to take advantage of the changes made.

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